Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Georgia Bans Russian Military Transport Flyovers

At the end of last week, the Russian Foreign Ministry demanded that Georgia “immediately stop its sabotage of the Agreement on the Organization of Transit of Military Cargo and Personal across Georgian Territory” and again accused Tbilisi of inflaming tensions in bilateral relations. Georgia responding, demanding that the Russian Ministry of Defense pay its debt for the servicing of military planes when they fly over Georgian territory.

Mikhail Kamynin, a spokesman of the Russian Foreign Ministry, said that the ministry was referring to “Georgia’s ignoring the request for... flights by Russian planes between December 8 and 22” to the Russian military base in the Armenian city of Gyumri. Moscow took that as an “intentional attempt to impede not only normal functioning of the base at Gyumri,” but the withdrawal of Russian of Russian forces from Georgia as well. On Saturday, Georgian Ambassador to Russia Irakly Chubinishvili was summoned to the Russian Foreign Ministry, where he was informed of the Russian position. [More]

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